Enum KeyboardKey
Specifies the possible key values on a keyboard.
Namespace: Artemis.Core.Services
Assembly: Artemis.Core.dll
public enum KeyboardKey
Name | Description |
A | The A key. |
Application | The Application key. Displays an application-specific context menu. |
ArrowDown | The Down Arrow key. |
ArrowLeft | The Left Arrow key. |
ArrowRight | The Right Arrow key. |
ArrowUp | The Up Arrow key. |
B | The B key. |
Backspace | The Backspace key. |
BrowserBack | The Browser Back key. |
BrowserFavorites | The Browser Favorites key. |
BrowserForward | The Browser Forward key. |
BrowserHome | The Browser Home key. |
BrowserRefresh | The Browser Refresh key. |
BrowserSearch | The Browser Search key. |
BrowserStop | The Browser Stop key. |
C | The C key. |
Calculator | The Launch Application2 key. |
CapsLock | The Caps Lock key. |
Clear | The Clear key. |
D | The D key. |
D0 | The 0 (zero) key. |
D1 | The 1 (one) key. |
D2 | The 2 key. |
D3 | The 3 key. |
D4 | The 4 key. |
D5 | The 5 key. |
D6 | The 6 key. |
D7 | The 7 key. |
D8 | The 8 key. |
D9 | The 9 key. |
Delete | The Delete key. |
E | The E key. |
End | The End key. |
Enter | The Enter key. |
Escape | The Escape key. |
F | The F key. |
F1 | The F1 key. |
F10 | The F10 key. |
F11 | The F11 key. |
F12 | The F12 key. |
F13 | The F13 key. |
F14 | The F14 key. |
F15 | The F15 key. |
F16 | The F16 key. |
F17 | The F17 key. |
F18 | The F18 key. |
F19 | The F19 key. |
F2 | The F2 key. |
F20 | The F20 key. |
F21 | The F21 key. |
F22 | The F22 key. |
F23 | The F23 key. |
F24 | The F24 key. |
F3 | The F3 key. |
F4 | The F4 key. |
F5 | The F5 key. |
F6 | The F6 key. |
F7 | The F7 key. |
F8 | The F8 key. |
F9 | The F9 key. |
FileBrowser | The Launch Application1 key. |
G | The G key. |
H | The H key. |
Home | The Home key. |
I | The I key. |
Insert | The Insert key. |
J | The J key. |
K | The K key. |
L | The L key. |
LaunchMail | The Launch Mail key. |
LeftAlt | The left ALT key. |
LeftCtrl | The left CTRL key. |
LeftShift | The left Shift key. |
LeftWin | The left Windows logo key (Microsoft Natural Keyboard). |
M | The M key. |
MediaNextTrack | The Media Next Track key. |
MediaPlayPause | The Media Play Pause key. |
MediaPreviousTrack | The Media Previous Track key. |
MediaStop | The Media Stop key. |
N | The N key. |
None | No key pressed. |
NumLock | The Num Lock key. |
NumPad0 | The 0 key on the numeric keypad. |
NumPad1 | The 1 key on the numeric keypad. |
NumPad2 | The 2 key on the numeric keypad. |
NumPad3 | The 3 key on the numeric keypad. |
NumPad4 | The 4 key on the numeric keypad. |
NumPad5 | The 5 key on the numeric keypad. |
NumPad6 | The 6 key on the numeric keypad. |
NumPad7 | The 7 key on the numeric keypad. |
NumPad8 | The 8 key on the numeric keypad. |
NumPad9 | The 9 key on the numeric keypad. |
NumPadAdd | The NumPad add key |
NumPadDecimal | The NumPad decimal key |
NumPadDivide | The NumPad divide key |
NumPadEnter | The NumPad enter key |
NumPadMultiply | The NumPad multiply key |
NumPadSeparator | The NumPad separator key (lower half of the "Add" key on some keyboards) |
NumPadSubtract | The NumPad subtract key |
O | The O key. |
OemBackslash | The OEM Backslash key. On iso, it's the key between left shift and Z |
OemCloseBrackets | The OEM Close Brackets key. |
OemComma | The Comma key. |
OemMinus | The Minus key. |
OemOpenBrackets | The OEM Open Brackets key. |
OemPeriod | The Period key. |
OemPipe | The OEM Pipe key. The backslash key next to enter. |
OemPlus | The Addition key. |
OemQuestion | The Question key. |
OemQuotes | The OEM Quotes key. |
OemSemicolon | The Semicolon key. |
OemTilde | The Tilde key. |
P | The P key. |
PageDown | The Page Down key. |
PageUp | The Page Up key. |
PauseBreak | The Pause key. |
PrintScreen | The Print Screen key. |
Q | The Q key. |
R | The R key. |
RightAlt | The right ALT key. |
RightCtrl | The right CTRL key. |
RightShift | The right Shift key. |
RightWin | The right Windows logo key (Microsoft Natural Keyboard). |
S | The S key. |
ScrollLock | The Scroll Lock key. |
SelectMedia | The Select Media key. |
Sleep | The Computer Sleep key. |
Space | The Space bar key. |
T | The T key. |
Tab | The Tab key. |
U | The U key. |
V | The V key. |
VolumeDown | The Volume Down key. |
VolumeMute | The Volume Mute key. |
VolumeUp | The Volume Up key. |
W | The W key. |
X | The X key. |
Y | The Y key. |
Z | The Z key. |